Wednesday, July 16, 2008

D-O-double-G-Y D-O-double-G, you see

I'm thinking about getting my first dog in 4.5 years. Wait. I'm not getting my first dog 4.5 years from now. I mean, this will be the first dog I've had in 4.5 years. But I don't know if I'm ready. I'm pretty sure I've written about the houseplants I watched wither day after day and how I took satisfaction in it. And the good lord know that the dog is the first to be eaten during hard times. And I've been known to quit jobs just so I can suffer hard times and eat a delicious-looking dog. But besides all of that, there's my cold, cold heart. I barely have enough love in me to feed myself. Then a dependent pet is added to the mix? I may not be capable of caring for another living being, and then it might be me who gets eaten. So I don't know what to do.

Still it would be nice to have something around that can learn to dial 911.

Here's one little girl I'm calling about.


Anonymous said...

tons and tons of work... it'll help develop your patience and get of rid of any interest you might have regarding offspring of your own. not sure if you have a yard or not, but that makes things about 1,000x easier and gives you a better chance of getting by without a carpet steamer ($250 i would have rather not spent).... you're going to be spending a ton of $$$ on other things for them though. close to $200/mo average - food, vet stuff, damage, toys, etc. If you get a puppy you'll likely bond a little more, but they are fricking handfulls and potty/crate training is the most enjoyable period. Dogs are tons of fun tho, great companions, and not that bad once you get used to them and in the habit of taking care of them. they even help ya grow up a bit. one thing tho, while girls think dogs are cute, they don't think it's cute that you have chewed up toys all over the place and have to go home by midnight to let them out.

C.Johnson said...

Dogs make people suck (obviously). Get one and all of a sudden you have its picture on your mobile phone as a screensaver. Stay single for 5 more years and then you'll be using it as the avatar on your blog, a shot you uploaded from your annual winter photo shoot with "Skipper." In a year or two you'll start looking into doggie day care because you'll be afraid Skippy is tired of watching reruns of Price is Right. And, gasp, some hot girl will ask you to go on a weeklong trip to Italy and then Morocco, but you'll have to cancel because you can't find anyone to take care of the piece of shit.

C.Johnson said...

Oh, and then they'll get old. And sick. And you'll be that guy who takes off work to take care of his dog, for chrissakes. I've got two dogs you can take care of every day. Better hurry before I kick em out of the car going down 635.

ALMO said...

I have dogs. They pretty much just eat and poop and pee. Nobody likes pee. Or cleaning pee out of carpet. HOWEVER, they also snuggle and give kisses and are soooo excited when I get home.

SurlyZ said...

why erbody think i ain't never had a dog before?