Sunday, July 20, 2008

The reviews are in!

As we near the five-month anniversary of this blog, I'd like to take a moment to publish some of the accolades I've received.

"I didn't know they let apes have computers"

"Awful. Just awful."

"This is nothing but incoherent, puerile babbling."

"Have you ever considered suicide?"

"Your spare time would be better spent taking a sledgehammer to your computer."

"You suck. And you're a sucky person."

"You had so much potential as a child. What happened?"

"For the love of god, kill yourself already."

I look forward to more of your comments.


Anonymous said...

your work has the passion of an Applebees franchisee and the dedication of a drunk working on his motor skills.

SurlyZ said...

there's a reason for that kind of dedication. but this may be the nicest thing anyone has said to me since my parents told me they were glad they never made it to that abortion clinic.

Anonymous said...

so the scar on your back is from a home attempt?

SurlyZ said...

actually, that's from when those people in amsterdam tried to "abort" my kidney.