man, am I glad it was The Big Bopper on that plane instead of Waylon Jennings.
Also, eat it, Marshall Tucker Band.
Listen to This: The Race To Ban Abortion
2 years ago
Gee, that's funny. I've never seen garbage eat garbage before.
SÃO PAULO, Brazil (AP) -- The Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli has been missing since Sunday, when he lifted off from the port city of Paranagua strapped to 1,000 balloons.
Paragliding instructor Marcio Andre Lichtnow, who gave courses to de Carli three years ago, described him as a "headstrong, anxious individual who was always in a rush."
"After two or three months, I asked him to abandon the course because of these personality traits, which are not the ideal profile for a paraglider," Lichtnow said. "So what happened comes as no big surprise."
The 41-year-old priest lifted off wearing a helmet, an aluminum thermal flight suit, waterproof coveralls and a parachute.
But less than an hour in, de Carli told his support crew by satellite phone that he would not be able to complete the planned flight to the city of Dourados, 465 miles away, according to team member Jose Carlos Bom.
Rescuers in boats, planes and helicopters were continuing to search off Brazil's southern coast, near where a cluster of yellow, orange, pink and white balloons was found floating in the Atlantic.
Lichtnow said de Carli phoned him days before liftoff.
"I told him that the winds would carry him all the way to South Africa," Lichtnow said. "He said he had studied everything very carefully and that he would go ahead. I honestly thought he was joking."
Conspicuously unconventional; bizarre. See Synonyms at strange.
Strikingly unfamiliar.
Located far from civilized areas.
Archaic Of foreign origin; not native.
A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.
I'd like to thank God for original sin, without which, hardcore porn never would have been given its own Oscar category here in the futuristic year of 2010. But I'd like to blame God for allowing the creation of the movie Original Sin that, while giving us a good overhead shot of Angelina Jolie filled up with Antonio's Banderas, was a fucking horrible movie. And I'd like to again thank God for the inspiration that comes from shit like "Original Sin" and makes us realize that we will never be the worst filmmakers out there.