Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A forgotten hero

Somehow this item completely slipped through my brain's fingers for the past several years. I have a vague recollection of making a mental note to remember it, but as they say, I forgot to remember to forget. Except that I forgot to remember to remember to remember. Or whatever.

On April 7, the world will observe the seventh anniversary of the death of actor David Graf. Perhaps you know him as Tackleberry in the classic Police Academy septology (each one an improvement on the previous, culminating in a flawless film set in post-Cold War Russia featuring a plot both topical and gripping).

As I recall, America was only entering the sixth month of mourning the loss of this great thespian before our focus shifted to the tragic events of 9-11. And while no individual as great as David Graf died in that attack, I would argue that all of those people added together come close to equaling the value of Mr. Graf and thus deserved every bit of attention they received on the news. I won't listen to anyone who would argue otherwise. So all of you America-haters can cram it back down your throats.

So by my calculations, we owe Mr. Graf another seven months of recognition. To drag it out as long as possible, I propose that we honor him one month each year over the next seven years. I'm leaning toward February because that month ain't being used for nothing now anyway.

Until I get this pushed through Congress or my local police academy or whoever owns the rights to David Graf's corpse and memories, enjoy this scene that I call the most spectacular combination of acting and action ever witnessed on the big screen.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...
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