Thursday, August 21, 2008


The Christmas stocking convulsed on the floor as if alive. The little girl's eyes grew as wide as saucers. Soon, a fuzzy head with pointy ears poked out of the open end of the stocking. The green cat-like eyes gazed up cautiously at the little girl. Wait. It was a cat. A kitten to be precise. The little girl squealed with delight and gently scooped up the kitten like she was taught at her friend Abbey's house with Abbey's puppy. The bewildered kitten didn't move until the little girl put him down on a patch of floor not covered with presents and rumpled wrapping paper. Then he jumped around enthusiastically like the floor was electrified, and the whole family laughed merrily as they welcomed this new fuzzball into the family.

There. Is that the kind of shit you people would rather read?


Anonymous said...

i don't know about anyone else... but i got off to this post.

ALMO said...

I love things that are cute, and i can tell that that kitty is a qt.