Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Drivers suck

I need everyone to use their turn signals when changing lanes. Thanking you in advance.

I realize you think you're the only driver who deserves to be on the road at any given moment, but try to do me a favor and recognize us asshole drivers who had the nerve to take jobs with normal business hours.

Oh, wait. There's one exception. If you are interested in causing a collision that will stop traffic and make the rest of us late to work or late to pick up our canine offspring at daycare after work, please continue to flout traffic laws and common courtesy.

Oh, wait. There's another exception. If you don't value your own life and want to take out as many people as possible with you, don't worry about signaling.

I can actually get behind that.


Stephanie said...

You dog goes to daycare?

SurlyZ said...

Damn right she does. I spare no expense for that dog's happiness.